2楼外文馆:I561.84/B661TR 点击率:1656
音 频:
The Three Strange Travellers
Story: Chimney Corner Stories
The Marvellous Pink Vase
Story: Now For a Story
Mr Stamp-About in a Fix
Story: Enid Blyton's Fifteenth Tell-a-Story Book
Goofy Isn't Very Clever
Story: Enid Blyton's Sixth Bedside Book
Mr Miggle's Spectacles
Story: I'll Tell You a Story
The Roundabout Man
Story: Sunny Stories No.405 May 16, 1947
Poor Bunny's Whiskers
Story: Sunny Stories No.18 May 13, 1937
Matilda Screams the House Down!
Story: A Second Book of Naughty Children
Something Funny Going On
Story: Enid Blyton's Magazine No.9 Vol.5 Apr 24, 1957
The Tippitty Bird's Feather
Story: Enid Blyton's Buttercup Story Book
He Wouldn't Wipe His Shoes
Story: A Second Book of Naughty Children
Mother Hubbard's Honey
Story: Enid Blyton's Bedside Book - Number Fourteen
Mr Stamp-About Goes Shopping
Story: Enid Blyton's Magazine No.6 Vol.5 Mar 13, 1957
Jane Goes Out to Stay
Story: Enid Blyton's Seventh Tell-a-Story Book
Foolish Mr Wop
Story: Six o'Clock Tales
The Little Boy Who Peeped
Story: Sunny Stories No.471 Dec 9, 1949
The Forgetful Girl
Story: Sunny Stories No.221 Apr 4, 1941